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Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014

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Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014 Empty Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014

Beitrag  Xunila Fr Feb 14, 2014 7:17 am

Unter http://www.mortalonline.com/forums/threads/sv-press-release.97382/ findet ihr die übersetzte Presseerklärung von StarVault bezüglich der aktuellen Entwicklungen. Hier meine Kurzzusammenfassung:

Ein Update der UnrealEngine wurde abgeschlossen und befindet sich in der Testphase. Dazu gehört eine komplette Überarbeitung des aktuellen Kontinents (Myrland), ein geändertes Beleuchtungssystem sowie eine verbesserte Physik.

Die Spielerzahl soll aktuell steigen und es kommen wohl viele alte Spieler wieder. (Kommentar: Man sieht das u.a. an der Rückkehr von AQ.) Die Wirtschaft wächst, der Broker funktioniert gut und wird von den Spielern angenommen.

Parallel laufen die Arbeiten an einem neuen Kontinent mit mindestens der Größe von Myrland sowie am Territory Control System.

Nach dem Landschafts-Patch soll es die territorienkontrolle geben und anschließend den neuen Kontinent, der vermutlich zum Release auf Steam ins Spiel kommt.

Außerdem gibt es bei StarVault jetzt eine ausgeschriebene Stelle für einen Spiele-Entwickler (C++, Gameplay Erfahrung, UnrealEngine).

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Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014 Empty Re: Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014

Beitrag  Tokala Fr Feb 14, 2014 7:57 am

na das sind doch mal Geile neuigkeiten


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Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014 Empty Re: Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014

Beitrag  Sionon Fr Feb 14, 2014 10:01 am

Hört sich richtig richtig gut an


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Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014 Empty Re: Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014

Beitrag  Xunila Di Feb 18, 2014 12:25 am

Sebastian äußerte sich vor ein paar Tagen im Forum über den aktuellen Stand der Territorienkontrolle:

The TC patch is not final in what it will contain but in short we want to add the building from a RTS game into Myrland.
You will be able to freely place buildings, new buildings, that all have some type of new property.
Some might give you access to a new NPC that people can use, such as a bank to get a banker, some might produce something like mines etc.
Each building will have several upgrades. You can upgrade them from tier 1 to 2 etc and they will be more effective in what they do, add a new NPC or simply get more hit points.

Each building has a set number of slots. On these slots owners can place a WIDE variety of NPCs.
You could place guards to guard the building or tutorial NPCs to help noobs out. Maybe get some utility vendors to make production faster etc.

Walls will be dynamically placed by the players. They will "connect" to each other as you might do in a RTS.
The pre-set walls will be no more.
Walls can be upgraded do get stronger, or turned into gates meaning you can have as many gates as you want. Each gates comes with a pre-set NPC (some building come with a NPC). This is the gatekeeper who will let people in and out depending on the rules you have given him.

On top of this there is a new type of navigation for the AI to handle all of this new dynamic stuff.
I don't know how many new buildings we have currently outsourced to be TC-building but from my understanding it's a a shit ton of content.

That's what we want it to be. On top of that Henrik has some crazy ideas for buildings that do all kinds of stuff, the system is built in such a way that I can special-case almost anything he wants. The only thing stopping us there is how much time it would take to build.
For example we now have a type of guard-post you can place. Every NPC placed on that guard-posts slots will roam an area around it.
Basically you can place guards on it and have them protect a area by moving around. Or you could but down vendors that walk around.

Everything you build is ran by a economy in your keep. You need to be able to pay wages or the NPCs will riot. To make this easier to manage the different parts of your empire is split up into sections.
People in you guild will be able to take care of certain sections. You will for example have one guy handling the guards and the military. Someone will handle commerce and taxes etc.
Each of the income/outcome info can be seen in a almost spreadsheet like type of deal in you keep.

That's... a short version of what we want. Here's what we have right now:
Basic dynamic placement of walls
Basic dynamic placement of buildings
Upgrading of buildings/walls
Upgrading buildings/walls to a new structure (such as wall->gate)
Tax cost for buildings
NPC placement for buildings
Dynamic AI movement for placed buildings
Ability to give orders to NPCs per building
A couple of test buildings
Some random new NPCs that can do more advanced stuff (farmer for crops, breeder that spawns AI)
New players can start in YOUR town if you place a town-center, this is also how your town gets a name.

And every single NPC you have ever seen can be placed on any of the new buildings and that shit will work. In my town I have my own banker and broker, also I have my own postal service.

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Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014 Empty Re: Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014

Beitrag  Tokala Di Feb 18, 2014 12:39 am

Maybe get some utility vendors to make production faster etc.!!!!!!!!!


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Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014 Empty Re: Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014

Beitrag  Silberauge Di Feb 18, 2014 7:17 am



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Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014 Empty Re: Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014

Beitrag  Nirae Di Feb 18, 2014 8:18 am

Das klingt auf jeden Fall ganz super, werde schon mal das sparen beginnen Smile

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Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014 Empty Re: Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014

Beitrag  Xunila Di Feb 25, 2014 10:18 pm

Free-place of houses will .. if I get my way.. not come unless we rebuild the currently very flawed housing system.
It's a major rework and I would like to sort it all out once I'm in that code.
I really want to get going on magic after TC..but nothing is set in stone as you know..and everyone who have waited for the magic update.

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Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014 Empty Re: Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014

Beitrag  Xunila Do Feb 27, 2014 10:22 am

Henrik heute im Forum:

To sum this up, to avoid it lean towards confusion:

Yes we are happy to see revenues/subs have gone up the past year including past months and its really moving in the right direction. Transaction IDs is not related to amount of subs or sales, to clear that from confusion. Donation is not revenues either.

We have two investments made from investors in which money is scheduled for new development, improvement and polish, steam preperations, hiring of new coders, and on external outsourcing to expand Mortal in a faster rate.

This means we are as planned increasing our operation costs to expand on Mortal. Not including this expanse we are actually going just above break even currently. This means even while revenue goes up profit may not go up while we increase the scheduled expanses from the investments.

Its an exciting time for the entire Star Vault team, the share owners and our upcoming release phases to come next.

*Edit, indeed the wording on the later release is not clear when it comes to the engine update is released or finished for the next phase which we describe in the information update release regarding the engine update. Its indeed done and its going through polish and testing phases which leads to release of it when approved. I will make sure the later announcement gets a proper correction in the wording to make that clear and to avoid confusion, thanks.

Cheers all!

Übrigens glaube ich ihm nicht, dass die Transaction IDs "NICHT" mit der Anzahl der Zahlungen (Subscriptions usw.) verbunden sind. Komischerweise laufen diese IDs gleichförmig auf allen Accounts und zwar unabhängig von der Zahlungsweise (Lastschrift, Kreditkarte, PayPal). Definitiv nicht unter die IDs fallen aber Käufe von Character Slots.

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Join date : 27.02.12

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Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014 Empty Re: Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014

Beitrag  Peng Do Feb 27, 2014 11:50 am

Für mich klingt das nach hü hott. Die eine Hand weiß nicht, was die andere Hand tut.

Ich hoffe einfach das Beste Smile

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Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014 Empty Re: Presseerklärung von StarVault 14.02.2014

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